Washington, DC. — Today, U.S. Representatives Lucy McBath (GA-07) and Harriet Hageman (WY-At-Large) and U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) released the following statements after their Victims’ Voices Outside and Inside the Courtroom Effectiveness (Victims’ VOICES) Act was signed into law by President Biden. This law ensures those who act on behalf of victims—such as family members, legal guardians, and those appointed by the court—receive restitution care from convicted defendants for costs incurred during certain criminal court case proceedings such as transportation, lost income, and child care. 

“When I was seeking justice after my son was shot and killed, my loved ones stood beside me throughout the court proceedings,” said Rep. McBath. “Devastation and hardship in the aftermath of a crime can have ripple effects across a victim’s entire support network. I know how important it is for families to focus on supporting loved ones through these traumatic events, and lawmakers have a role to play in easing financial burdens. I am proud to see this important bill signed into law by President Biden. Together, we are helping support victims and their loved ones.”

“Family members of violent crime victims, including children and those who have died, should be reimbursed for the financial burden they take on to achieve justice for their loved ones,” said Sen. Cornyn. “This legislation will make victims’ representatives whole by ensuring they receive restitution from convicted criminals, and I’m glad to see it become law.” 

“Victims and their loved ones face tremendous hardship in the aftermath of violent crimes, and costly fees incurred while seeking justice only add to this stress,” said Sen. Blumenthal. “The Victims’ Voices Outside and Inside the Courtroom Effectiveness Act ensures that those acting on behalf of victims receive fair and full compensation, lightening the burden for victims and their families and making it easier to fully access justice.” 

“Under federal law, those convicted of certain crimes are required to pay restitution to their victims – helping cover necessary expenses such as medical care,” said Sen. Blackburn. “However, that is not the case for a person assuming the rights of a victim who is a minor, deceased or unable to act for themselves. This is important legislation to ensure all victims receive the justice they deserve.”

“The road to recovery after a violent crime can be costly for both victims and their loved ones who support them,” said Sen. Whitehouse. “Our new bipartisan law will expand restitution coverage to ensure families of victims are financially supported while holding perpetrators accountable and seeking justice.” 

“Under current federal law, those convicted of a crime may be required to pay restitution to their victim, however a person assuming rights for a victim, such as a husband, wife, mother, or father, may not be eligible for restitution, even when they play a necessary role in the legal process,” said Rep. Hageman. “This has been a far too common issue in crimes of violence and in tribal communities where locating and protecting missing and exploited women and children is a major challenge. The bipartisan and bicameral Victims’ VOICES Act will finally address this injustice and strengthen the ability to care for victims while effectively prosecuting criminals.” 


The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act, which was signed into law in 1996, requires defendants convicted of certain crimes, including violent crimes, to pay restitution to their victims. The restitution can cover a number of costs, including transportation, lost income, and childcare costs incurred while participating in the investigation or prosecution of the offense as well as medical and nonmedical care and treatment and associated costs. In the case of a victim who is a minor, deceased, incapacitated, or otherwise not capable of acting on his or her own behalf, a family member, legal guardian, or a person appointed by the court may “assume” the victim’s rights. 

In many jurisdictions, individuals acting on a victim’s behalf have been precluded from receiving restitution for their own lost income, transportation, childcare, and other costs. This imposes a significant hardship on the victim’s representative and a barrier to vindicating the victim’s rights. The Victims’ VOICES Act will amend existing law to clarify that a person who acts on behalf of a victim is eligible to receive restitution for the expenses associated with participating in the investigation or prosecution of the offense, attending related court proceedings, or transporting a victim to receive medical, therapy, rehabilitation, or other services. 

This legislation is endorsed by the National District Attorneys Association, Raven, National Children’s Alliance, Major County Sheriffs of America, the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN), National Native American Law Enforcement Association, and the National Organization for Victim Advocacy (NOVA).

Click here to read the full text of the bipartisan Victims' VOICES Act.