There are federal grant opportunities throughout the year for nonprofits, businesses, government agencies, and individuals. As your Representative, I am here to support you.

If you would like to request a letter of support from my office for your federal grant application, please fill out the Grant Letter Request form below and my staff will be in contact within 2-5 business days. Additional resources to help in the application process are also below.

Grant Letter Request

Note: Fields marked with an * are required.

Human Validation
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Grant Newsletter Signup

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**Message and data rates may apply. 3msg/month. Text STOP to cancel at any time. Privacy Policy and SMS terms available here.
Human Validation

External Resources is a government website that allows grant seekers to find out who is eligible for a grant and apply for competitive grant opportunities from federal agencies. Register with to apply for and track applications.

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA)

The CFDA is an excellent resource for identifying grants and federal assistance opportunities that fit your needs. Through the catalogue, you can learn about program objectives and requirements. To apply for grants or check current funding availability, visit

Today’s Federal Register – the Grantsmanship Center 

The Grantsmanship Center offers webinar trainings that:

  •  Find federal grants opportunities that match grant seeker’s priorities
  • Examine recent application guidelines and funded proposals to learn what applications are successful and why
  • Develop a work-plan for proposal development and write key proposal sections
  • Write and review concept papers
  • Teach individuals how to get a head start on competitions before the funding guidelines are released

Grant Space

Grants Space’s library of self-paced training webinars includes trainings specific to government grant proposal writing.