Sandy Springs, GA — Yesterday, Rep. Lucy McBath convened several local visits and meetings with community leaders, elected officials, and constituents to spotlight local small businesses, honor veterans, highlight accessible healthcare, and support investment in our infrastructure.
“I am so delighted to have spent another beautiful day with constituents and community leaders touring our community,” McBath said. “After a weekend celebrating America’s independence, I am so excited to gather with friends and neighbors across Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District and get back to doing so many of the things we have sorely missed during the pandemic. Thanks to the American Rescue Plan, our economy is on the path to recovery, our families have access to safe, free, and effective vaccines, and the wellbeing of our communities is rebounding."
Here are the details from McBath’s community events and meetings on Wednesday, July 7th:
Wednesday, July 7
10:00 a.m. - McBath honored a veteran of the Vietnam War in a private Vietnam Pinning Ceremony at her Sandy Springs District Office. Airman 1st Class Anthony Pinto was presented with a commemorative lapel pin and certificate of special congressional recognition. Airman Pinto served in the United States Air Force from 1960 until 1964. He served in Moses Lake Washington; Griffin Air Force Base, New York; Tan Son Nhut Air Base, Saigon; and Vietnam.
11:00 a.m. - McBath toured a section of the Peachtree Creek Greenway in Brookhaven to highlight the crucial importance of creating safe, clean outdoor spaces. This May, McBath worked together with her colleagues to introduce the National and Regional Greenways Act, legislation to create a grant program for the improvement or construction of greenway paths.
12:30 p.m. - In Doraville, McBath toured the MARR Addiction Treatment Center to learn more about its recent expansion and treatment and recovery initiatives, including a new on-site detox center. MARR utilizes community living and personalized treatment plans to help individuals get on the road to recovery. McBath has fought for and helped pass bills that include investments in addiction treatment and recovery, and she has cosponsored the Lower Drug Costs Now Act, a bill that would save American families almost half-a-trillion dollars on the costs of prescription medications.
4:00 p.m. - McBath convened a small business round table for DeKalb County small businesses. In particular, McBath focused on learning the experience small business owners had navigating the Paycheck Protection Program, the Restaurant Revitalization Fund, and the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant, which were created and supported by the bipartisan CARES Act and the American Rescue Plan. McBath also highlighted her support for the Rebuilding America’s Workforce Act and the reauthorization of the National Apprenticeships Act, which are crucial tools for hard-working Americans to break into the career field of their choosing.
6:00 p.m. - McBath concluded the day by hosting a Child Tax Credit webinar for families to learn more about the advance payments which will begin arriving for eligible families next week, July 15th. Joining McBath during the webinar was Eric Santos, Executive Director of the North Georgia Low Income Tax Clinic. Secured in the passage of the American Rescue Plan, the Child Tax Credit will benefit over 680,000 families across Georgia. The tax cut will give the hard-working families who are eligible monthly payments of up to $3,600 per child for children ages 0 to 5 and $3,000 per child for children ages 6 to 17. For more information or to check the status of payments for eligible families, taxpayers can visit