Duluth, GA — Today, Rep. Lucy McBath announced the winners of the 2023 Congressional App Challenge for Georgia’s Seventh Congressional District. The Congressional App Challenge invites middle and high school students to design and execute original apps, inspiring young students to explore an education and career in STEM.      

“Year after year, I am truly struck by how thoughtful and service-oriented our community’s young people are,” said McBath. “It’s clear to me that these students are not spending time on the computer simply for leisure and personal entertainment—they are wielding these tools to change the world in which they are growing up. I want to thank each and every participant in this year’s Congressional App Challenge, and congratulations to our winners!”

Winning third place in the competition was an app called “Caring is Cool.” This app was created by Brookwood High School student Anthony Wibonele.

In second place was an app called “Ummah Updates.” This app was created by Peachtree Ridge High School students Sahil Quazi and Eric Shu.

The winning app was called “Augmented Reality Guided Digital Lung Auscultation Assessment System [LAAS].” This app was created by Chattahoochee High School students Sophie Lin and Keefer Lin.    

In total, 35 students from Georgia’s Seventh District participated in the 2023 Congressional App Challenge and created 24 different apps. The competition was comprised of students from Autrey Mill Middle School, Alpharetta High School, Brookwood High School, Central Gwinnett High School, Chattahoochee High School, Collins Hill High School, Discovery High School, Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology, Innovation Academy, Johns Creek High School, Meadowcreek High School, Northview High School, Peachtree Ridge High School, and Walton High School. “Augmented Reality Guided Digital Lung Auscultation Assessment System [LAAS]” will be eligible for display in the U.S. Capitol.