Marietta, GA — This morning, Rep. Lucy McBath (GA-06) released the following statement:
“The world watched as insurrectionists, incited by President Trump, attacked American democracy, American institutions, and the American way of life. The result of his rhetoric has left five Americans dead, laying bare his contempt for our Constitution, his disdain for our democracy, and his persistent threat to this nation’s security.
“Last week, I called for Vice President Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove President Trump from office. If the 25th is not invoked, Congress must impeach the President, remove him from office, and disqualify him from ever again holding an office of trust under the United States of America.
“With heavy hearts and a clear purpose, we have again been called to protect our Constitution and defend our democracy. With the eyes of the world and the presence of God upon us, we must do our solemn duty.”