Lawrenceville, GA — Today, Congresswoman Lucy McBath (D-GA-07) convened a meeting with small business owners, Gwinnett County District 3 Commissioner Jasper Watkins, and Gwinnett County Economic Development professionals for a tour and roundtable discussion at the Gwinnett Entrepreneur Center in Lawrenceville. Representatives from the U.S. Small Business Administration and the University of Georgia Small Business Development Center joined the conversation to speak to the resources and support they can provide to local entrepreneurs.   

“Small businesses are the backbone of our local community, and today’s conversation was a celebration of all the benefits they provide to our economy,” McBath said. “It was also an opportunity to examine the ongoing recovery of the small business community following the COVID-19 pandemic and hear the success stories of programs like the Gwinnett Small Business Grant. I want to commend Gwinnett County for their forward-thinking efforts to utilize federal funds to support local entrepreneurs—this is yet another reason why I was proud to support the American Rescue Plan.”

“Today's roundtable at the Gwinnett Entrepreneur Center highlighted the remarkable strength and resilience of our local small business community. As we continue to navigate the post-pandemic landscape, it's more crucial than ever to provide our entrepreneurs with the essential resources they need to succeed,” said District 3 Commissioner Jasper Watkins, III. “Gwinnett County is committed to fostering an environment where innovation can thrive and today's discussions are a testament to the powerful collaboration between government, business leaders and educational institutions.”

The Gwinnett Small Business Grant program was established in the fall of 2023, when funding was made available to offer economic support to small businesses in Gwinnett that were negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Of the $181 million allocated to Gwinnett County through the American Rescue Plan Act, the Gwinnett Board of Commissioners allocated $6 million to the grant program. Awards ranged from $3,000 to $15,000. For more information about the awards made by Gwinnett County, please click here.